Tag Archives: Recommended by Crystal

The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe

End of Your Life Book ClubTitle:  The End of Your Life Book Club

Author:  Will Schwalbe


Most readers have asked or been asked “What are you reading?” at one point in their lives and the question does not hold substance after the initial answer. This question was asked of Will Schwalbe by his mother while she was awaiting cancer treatment and it was the beginning of a mother/son book club. Through the titles they read you learn more about Will, his mother Mary Anne and their relationship. If you are not afraid to shed a tear, join their journey and their book club.

Recommended by:  Crystal

The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom

Time Keeper by Mitch AlbomTitle:  The Time Keeper

Author:  Mitch Albom

Call #:  ALBOM

TIME, it is something that we race against, wish away and sometimes hope to have more of. In this novel you will travel to a place and find how measuring time began. This inspirational piece is not about gaining time, however it is about spending your time wisely.

Recommended by:  Crystal

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch AlbomTitle:  Tuesdays With Morrie

Author:  Mitch Albom

Call #: 378.12 ALB

Imagine a mentor that helped shape your life, a person who genuinely cared about you and your future.  This person gave you advice when you were young that seemed to extend to every area of your life, then and now. For Mitch that person was an old college professor named Morrie. Over the years life interferes and people lose touch, but if you had the opportunity to ask your mentor life’s big questions, would you? Mitch did and became Morrie’s student once again; except this time the course was about LIFE. This is an extremely thought provoking book that will tug at your heart strings.

Recommended by:  Crystal

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

The Last Lecture by Randy PauschTitle:  The Last Lecture

Author:  Randy Pausch

Call #:  158.1 PAU

Many teachers are asked to think of their last time they will speak in front of a class. They are to think of their last days and what they would want their legacy to be.  Randy is a dying; but he refuses to let that stop him from telling the world how to really achieve your childhood dreams. The Last Lecture is an extremely inspirational story that will make you sit up and take notes.

Recommended by:  Crystal